coop - definitie. Wat is coop
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Wat (wie) is coop - definitie

Co-op (disambiguation); The Co-op; The "Co-op"; Co-op~; CO OP; Coop (disambiguation); The coop; COOP

Concurrent Object Orientated Programming (Reference: OOP)
n.also: cooperative, co-op a consumers'; farmers'; producers'; workers' coop
2) a chicken coop
2) (misc.) (colloq.) to fly the coop ('to escape')
A coop is a cage where you keep small animals or birds such as chickens and rabbits.



Coop, COOP, Co-op, or variation, most often refers to:

  • A chicken coop or other enclosure
  • Cooperative or co-operative ("co-op"), an association of persons who cooperate for their mutual social, economic, and cultural benefit
    • Housing cooperative, e.g., a co-op apartment in a co-op apartment building
    • Building cooperative
    • Food cooperative or "food co-op"
    • Consumer cooperative
    • Worker cooperative
  • Prison, in slang
  • Cooperative video game, "co-op mode" in video games
  • Co-operative board game

Coop, COOP or Co-op may also refer to:

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor coop
1. In Boston, the MIT coop, Harvard coop.
The Simulation Hypothesis _ Rizwan Virk _ Talks at Google
2. They're basically kept in a separate coop.
What Innovative Family Farming Teaches Us About Health and Healing _ Daphne Miller _ Talks at Google
3. In a chicken coop outside Pisa.
Ripley's Game (2003)
4. signed on with a coop, checked in on her mom,
Trans Women Writers _ Imogen Binnie, Red Durkin + More _ Talks at Google
5. I've even seen it used for a chicken coop.
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor coop
1. "Four days ago there was a chicken dead in my coop.
2. The rocket damaged a chicken coop, but no one was hurt.
3. Olav Thon, Orkla, Odd Reitan and Coop are some of the operators participating in the project.
4. The viper was in a tree next to the coop and, feeling threatened, bit Rosokhovchky‘s face.
5. While Coop Norway last year had 165 organic foods in their shops, Coop Sweeden had 1228 and Coop Denmark had 128'. Part of the reason could be the food cooperations monopoly and some reasons lie with the consumers and the authorities, thinks Kersti Mathiassen at Oikos Ecological national team.